National Command and Operation Centre
During last 24 hours most death occurred in KP followed by Punjab
Out of 58 deaths during last 24 hours 12 died on ventilators
4584 people tested covid positive on 11 Apr
58 people lost lives due to covid during last 24 hours
(55 died in hospital and 3 out of hospital on 11 Apr)
Vents occupied % (4 major areas)
Gujranwala – 88%
Multan – 81%
Lahore – 79%
Islamabad – 55%
Oxygen beds occupied % (4 major areas)
Gujranwala – 85%
Peshawar – 73%
Gujrat – 71%
Swat – 66%
Total Active COVID CASES in Pakistan 75,266 as of 12 Apr
44,514 tests conducted on 11 Apr
Sindh: 9,404
Punjab: 17,755
KP: 8,715
ICT: 5,982
Balochistan: 1,019
GB: 475
AJK: 1,164
634,835 People recovered so far across Pakistan making it a significant count.
There is no patient on vent in AJK, GB and Balochistan.
512 vents occupied across Pakistan.
A total of 725,602 cases detected so far (AJK 14594, Balochistan 20321, GB 5127, ICT 66380, KP 99595, Punjab 250459, Sindh 269126)
15501 deaths
Sindh: 4530 (1 died out of hospital on 11 Apr)
Punjab: 6988 (15 died in hospital and 1 died out of hospital on 11 Apr)
KP: 2651 (33 died in hospital on 11 Apr)
ICT: 611 (4 died in hospital on 11 Apr)
Balochistan: 215 (-)
GB: 103 (-)
AJK: 403 (3 died in hospital and 1 died out of hospital on 11 Apr)
10,779,474 tests conducted
630 hospitals with covid facilities with 4979 patients admitted across the country.